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  1. Tantrums Galore!

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    My 13 month old has started to do this thing where she starts screaming and arching her back and throwing herself on the ground. It seems she does it mostly with me, only sometimes with my husband. If I sit her down, won't give her something, tell her no or move her from something unsafe or block something like the stairs. I guess I can understand why she is doing it but I don't know how to handle it. I hope that I am handling it correctly. Most of the time I just let her do it and others I put her in her crib and let her cry. Mostly when I put her down for her nap. She wants to be rocked and I want her to fall asleep on her own. Any suggestions. Any help will really help.. I'm going to go bald. KM

  2. 2 comments:

    1. Unknown said...

      I babysat children whom did this as well as my oldest daughter did it, it is called a temper tantrum , she is so used to getting what she want's she will do anything to get it, including the tantrum, it's harsh to say an it's also hard to do, BUT you need to just walk away, plain an simple, just walk away, she is plenty young enough to learn now an to have the problem corrected, this is the first an should be the only step you need, but if it does get worse you may want to talk to the Doc.....

    2. Tylerpants said...

      My two year old son throws tantrums too...I just let him kick and scream for a bit. When he calms down, I ask if he wants a hug. Then things are fine. Works most of the time..other times, I get frustrated & end up yelling at him. =/ Hang in there!

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